Buenos Aires, 08/24: Day for Marius Mason and the week in solidarity with anarchist prisoners

Day for Marius Mason and the week in solidarity with the anarchist prisoners.Incendiary Library, Plaza 3556, Saavedra, Buenos Aires. Wednesday August 24, 18hs. Next Wednesday 24/8 we will be holding a day of reading and reflection on comrade Marius Mason, imprisoned in the U.S. since 2008 in the midst of a repressive campaign against the …

Dresden: Solidaritea – letter writing event, 26 August 22

Input on the situation of some comrades and current struggles in prisonLetter writingTea and cake Friday, 26.08.2022, Malobeo, Kamenzerstr. 38, 01099 Dresden We would like to write letters to people in prison together with you in the context of the International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners.We take the Soli-Week as an opportunity to remember …

London, 27.08: Anarchist Prisoner Solidarity Day / benefit for the Dalston Arrestees

In celebration of the International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners, London Anti-Fascist Assembly together with the Dalston Solidarity Cafe is organising a Anarchist Prisoner Solidarity Day on the 27th to benefit the Dalston Arrestees from the recent anti-immigration raid resistance. Join us for a day of creative resistance, including: art, music and talks. Food …

Koblenz, 27.08: soli-tattoos & info lectures

Datum/Zeit27.08.202210:00 – 18:00 VeranstaltungsortFOX SOLI-TATTOOS ab 10:00 Uhr – >>first come – first save<< Auch dieses Jahr findet wieder die internationale Aktionswoche in Solidarität mit anarchistischen Gefangenen statt. In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Tattooladen ‚In Memoriam‘ könnt ihr euch extra für diesen Tag erstellte Designs tätowieren lassen. Der Erlös wird komplett gespendet an die thematisch passende …

Río de la Plata, feria de Tristán Narvaja, 28/08, 10:00: Puesto de difusión y actualización de la situación de lxs presxs anarquistas de todas partes del mundo

En esta semana de solidaridad internacionalista con los presos y las presas anarquistas, del 23 al 30 de agosto, nos autoconvocamos en la feria de Tristán Narvaja el domingo 28/08 a las 10h am. Habrá puesto de difusión y actualización de la situación de lxs presxsanarquistas de todas partes del mundo. Abrazamos sus luchas y …

Letter for the International Week of Solidarity With Anarchist Prisoners 2022 by imprisoned anarchist Toby Shone

“Does this rising generation know that those who inaugurated the 8 hour day were put to death at the command of Capital?”Lucy Parsons, The Haymarket Martyrs, November 1926 “Although we are not reformists, the struggle to obtain improvements in one’s immediate situation (wages, housing, health, education, occupations etc) sees the anarchists present, but they do …