In der aktuellen Sendung erzählen wir euch was es mit dieser Solidaritätswoche auf sich hat, warum es wichtig ist solidarisch zu sein und wir stellen euch zwei Menschen vor, die momentan im Knast sind, unteranderem lesen wir Auszüge aus einem Interview mit Andreas Krebs.
Solidarity posters were put up in Philadelphia, USA.
Solidarity with arrested anarchists in Russia
A-Radio Berlin’s interview on the week of solidarity (in English) as part of the recent BadNews episode:
This was 6th international week of solidarity with anarchist prisoners
The sixth year of the solidarity week ended up with nearly 60 events and actions happening all around the world. Austria, Germany, Poland, Greece, France, Netherlands,Georgia, Russia, Italy, Czech, Belarus, Switzerland, Finland, UK, Rojava, Australia, Mexico, US, Canada! And this is the list of those events that we got reports from. We hope that there …
Over the run of the week from August 23 to August 30 we have organized 4 events to stress the importance of struggle against repressions and solidarity with anarchists. On the first day we solidarity dinner was served for the fundraising purposes. In atmosphere of real restaurant people were served 3 different dishes for donations. …