Each year the end of August (23-30.8.) is the time for the International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners. And to make sure that you know what this week is about and why it is needed we made an interview with a comrade who is part of the group that organized this years’ Week of …
In Berlin, the anarchist groups Sabot44 and Perspektive Selbstverwaltung organized a joint letter-writing campaign to the international prisoners. Postcards were painted in advance. In this way messages could be sent to forty comrades behind bars to break their isolation. In addition, a banner was hung up that drew special attention to the situation of the …
In der aktuellen Sendung erzählen wir euch was es mit dieser Solidaritätswoche auf sich hat, warum es wichtig ist solidarisch zu sein und wir stellen euch zwei Menschen vor, die momentan im Knast sind, unteranderem lesen wir Auszüge aus einem Interview mit Andreas Krebs.
Over the run of the week from August 23 to August 30 we have organized 4 events to stress the importance of struggle against repressions and solidarity with anarchists. On the first day we solidarity dinner was served for the fundraising purposes. In atmosphere of real restaurant people were served 3 different dishes for donations. …
On saturday 25th august f gathering of 20 persons of the small town Rostock in the North-east Germany were held to reminde about the anarchists and antifascists, who were arrested and tortured in custody in Russia. The Activists wanted to show, that they are angry and sad about the situation of theire like-minded friends in …