Anarchist Black Cross collectives from Germany prepared a set of images that were printed as postcards. You can use layouts in your own mobilization efforts. For EU groups postcards can be ordered by writing to our email or direct via mailorder “Black Mosquito” in Germany.
For the week of solidarity one of anarchists in Saratov made a single-person picket to remind the world about anarchist prisoners.
Many imprisoned anarchists will never be acknowledged as ‘political prisoners’ by formal human-rights organizations, because their sense of social justice is strictly limited to the capitalist laws which are designed to defend the State and prevent any real social change. At the same time, even within our individual communities, we know so little about the …
In der aktuellen Sendung erzählen wir euch was es mit dieser Solidaritätswoche auf sich hat, warum es wichtig ist solidarisch zu sein und wir stellen euch zwei Menschen vor, die momentan im Knast sind, unteranderem lesen wir Auszüge aus einem Interview mit Andreas Krebs.
Solidarity posters were put up in Philadelphia, USA.
Solidarity with arrested anarchists in Russia
A-Radio Berlin’s interview on the week of solidarity (in English) as part of the recent BadNews episode:
As a contribution to the international week of solidarity with anarchist prisoners and to the nationwide prison strike a banner was hung on Market Street near 46th Street train station. Solidarity with anarchist and rebel prisoners! Fire to the Prisons!