Join the Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners in 2022. The call for the Week of Solidarity is finally out! For now in English. More languages will follow soon. You can help us with missing languages. Translate the call into your language and send it to us. We will add it on the website.So start …
We send solidarity from the Black Forest of southern Germany to all Anarchists and radical leftists sitting in prison cells. Some people came together for a foto shoot. In solidarity to all that fight for our common emancipatory goals and were caught be repressive state powers. Until all are free – no one is free!
At 30th August 30th in Athens some comrades put the banner in the Exarcheia square. We joined the Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners with this symbolic support.In Greece, as well as in many other countries, our comrades face persecution for taking action and responsibility in revolutionary struggle. Our solidarity aims at struggle for the …
August 29, Costa de Oro, region was usurped and plundered by the Uruguayan state. Responding to the international call-in solidarity with the anarchist prisoners, on the night of August 29th we stamped our complicity signature with our kidnapped comrades, in a new day of anarchist propaganda. Obstinate propaganda, a thousand times erased and a thousand …
Comrades in Helsinki, Finland had an evening with food and writing letters to anarchist prisoners at social center Makamik. The food was tasty and free and a many letters were written to comrades around the world. Solidarity,love & rage to all anarchists facing repression! Burn down the prisons!
In the context of the international week of solidarity with the imprisoned anarchists, comrades send you this graffiti painted in the center of the city of Montevideo, Uruguay. “A prison that works, is a society that fails”.
Koblenz General Syndicate (Free Workers Union) from Germany: It’s International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners again. That’s why we sent letters and postcards to prisoners. We organised this writing workshop together with the Antirepression Platform Koblenz. A large part of our work in the union remains invisible from the outside: as wage earners we …
The struggle for a more just world brings anarchists around the world into the clutches of the prison system. It is up to us, the people outside the prisons, to support our comrades. Especially in the last year of increased isolation due to visitation bans and severe restrictions on contact, it is important to think …
27 august 2021 19:00 (Minsk time) News from Belarus hardly make headlines of the english speaking media and if something comes it is mostly about some new crazy move of dictator Lukashenko. The protest for now is not happening anymore, but the struggle continues. Massive network of solidarity is supporting thousands of repressed among them …
Podcast of CNA-ABC Asturies, this time in support of the International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoner 2021. The Podcast is in spanish language. Link: “Para la libertad” – podcast