CNT-AIT Asturies gets involved in the International Anarchist Prisoners’ Week

CNT-AIT Asturies has organized for next Monday a meeting at its headquarters in Xixón to write letters to anarchist prisoners, thus participating in the call for international solidarity within the Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners organized by the ABC’s (Anarchist Black Crosses) around the world.
The International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners has been celebrated for years and is organised by the coordination of the ABC’s (Anarchist Black Crosses) from all over the world through their website:

Another thing that is done coinciding with the International Week is to update the international list of anarchist prisoners. You can find the Spanish one here:

As you know, repression against anarchism has been growing year by year and in many prisons around the world there are comrades suffering for their activism. Regardless of whether or not we accept certain facts or tactics of struggle, our duty as anarchists is to stand in solidarity with them and demand the end of prisons as a system of violent obedience by the states, as well as to demand improvements in their living conditions.

The system of capitalist domination is able to function thanks to the continuous isolation between people. That is why we need solidarity among our friends, at work, in the neighbourhood, in our communities.
communities. Solidarity with those outside AND ALSO WITH THOSE INSIDE.

For years, this Week has been organised in different parts of the world, where different actions or initiatives are carried out: writing letters to prisoners, organising meetings or assemblies, screenings, podcasts, making the problem visible with a banner in the street, with graffiti… In short, making them see that they are in our hearts and that we are fighting together.

As Bakunin said “No one will be free until we are all free”.

Attached is the list of anarchist prisoners in Spain (updated) and a link to the international list, in case you want to write to those who are held hostage by the state in other territories:

Some tips for writing to prisoners: In this link you can see some recommendations dictated by the

If you have any questions, you can write to

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