Text and diffusion for the international week of solidarity with imprisoned anarchists around the world

In the highly repressive local and global context, it is urgent to deepen the struggle against prison. The current pandemic has left repeated what has been deepening for years and is the violence constantly exercised inside the prisons, being the people deprived of their freedom one of the populations most affected by the contingency. Likewise, in all the territories we have seen criminal states take advantage of the situation to strengthen their measures of social, political and military control, prioritizing as always capitalist interests before the lives of the people. It cannot be denied also that the majority have internalized within themselves the police attitudes that the installation of this supposed “new normality” has brought.

We know that the current reconfiguration of the system will only bring economic inequalities, and as a result, the states and the political ruling class will respond by increasing their strategies of repression and control in the face of the struggles of the peoples for dignity and life. Among such strategies will of course be the strengthening prison infrastructure and society: how denial of structural poverty; as a perpetuation of violence racist, sexist and xenophobic towards historically oppressed; as a threat against those who break the citizen’s mandate of the behave and questions the unjust reality.

From the Colombian region we join the International Week in Solidarity with the anarchist comrades in all the territories, recognizing and making visible their struggle, their dignity that does not ends in the confinement but goes through all the walls and remains active and We are always ready to give our love and complicity to all of you. We also salute the processes, collectives and individual companions who actively support and sustain who are presxs, and also to aquellxs who agitate constantly against all cages.

We call on partners in the Colombian region to take up and to promote the meetings, networks and actions necessary for a fight Anti-prisoner and anarchist. The moment we share this communication, the Conference of Indefinite agitation for the dignity of people deprived of the freedom by the Colombian state, so we also invite follow, disseminate and actively support this initiative.

Let us also multiply our efforts to rethink our lives, relationships and communities without prisons or punitive institutions for resolve conflicts. Let’s recognize the community experiences that They travel through Abya Yala and other disputed territories to learn what we is possible. Let’s strengthen our information exchange networks to collectively, autonomously and horizontally build other worlds free.

Freedom for the anarchist press!
Freedom for political prisoners and from social war!
Burn the prisons and the societies that need them!

Territory dominated by the Colombian state
August, 2020

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