Mexico City, 29.08
Semana De Solidaridad Con lxs Presxs Anarquistas
29 de agosto
- 1pm: cafeteria balcon de Ema Goldman
- 1pm – 4pm: taller de grabado
- 4pm – 7pm: taller de serigrafia
- 7pm: Miero Ablerto,
- venta de comida vegetariana en beneficio a Miguel Peralta Betanzos
Week of Solidarity With Anarchist Prisoners
August 29th
- 1 pm: cafeteria balcony of Ema Goldman
- 1pm – 4 pm: printing workshop
- 4 pm – 7pm: screen printing workshop
- 7 pm: mlero Ablerto
- sale of vegetarian food for the benefit of Miguel Peralta Betanzos