For the week of solidarity with anarchist prisoners comrades prepared a map of repressed anarchists all around the globe.Анархисты Беларуси
An evening of solidarity with anarchist prisoners was held in “Tol’ko Sami” space in Moscow on August 27th. Several dozen people came to support the imprisoned comrades. Historian and philosopher Peter Ryabov (on picture) told how and why the Anarchist Black Cross groups emerged worldwide in the early 20th century and what was their work. …
As part of the Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners, some comrades of tribu.x organized a day aimed at maintaining the memories of our imprisoned comrades. On occasion, a space was opened to write letters to the prisoners and a screening of the film Sacco and Vanzetti. Afterwards, there was a discussion about the current …
Poster text: “Prison doesn’t repair people – it destroy them.Government, army and corporation are real criminals.” /Greece on on Fire//Radio Anarchy/ Comradely greetings!
To give space to the nameless, faceless and voiceless! Horror, sadness, rage, anger and a feeling of helplessness, of powerlessness. Short-term flaring up of affects and stirring emotions here, long-lasting, persistent feelings there, and all this before what we call mood, it colors our experience background, it is, so to speak, the primordial layer, the …
In answer to the call of international week in solidarity with anarchist prisoners we went to Podil streets in early morning (to avoid being caught during the curfew) to do some graffitis in some crowded places…Anarchist, antifascists and feminist messages were written.Solidarity with anarchist prisoners and all prisoners.Some internationalist in Kyiv.
As part of the week of solidarity actions with the imprisoned Anarchistscomrades, we hung banners in the municipal library of Komotini and threw leaflets in the central square, in central points and in neighborhoods of the city. Unrepentant Comrades Are Not Alone Solidarity Knows No Borders revolutionary greetingsAnarchy Squat Utopia A.D.Komotini Northen Greece
The last week of August is international week of solidarity with anarchist prisoners. As always, we encourage you to write letters to the prisoners. It’s quite simple and a very valuable gesture of support. You can find a list of prisoners with their addresses here. In a small gesture of solidarity, we also hung a …
En esta semana de solidaridad internacionalista con los presos y las presas anarquistas, del 23 al 30 de agosto, nos autoconvocamos en la feria de Tristán Narvaja el domingo 28/08 a las 10h am. Habrá puesto de difusión y actualización de la situación de lxs presxsanarquistas de todas partes del mundo. Abrazamos sus luchas y …
Here you can find the poster in different languages. Print it and spread the word!Below you can find the poster in a bigger size for download.Your language is missing? Help us to translate.