ABC Belarus marks 15 years’ anniversary during WOSWAP – support their struggle

ABC Belarus is an antirepression collective operating for over 15 years inside Belarusian dictatorship and in exile after the 2020 protests.
Currently, they support over 30 anarchist and antifascist prisoners in Belarusian jails and their families. On 24 August, Warsaw will host the celebration of their long-term struggle.

The event will combine socialising, strengthening connections, reflections on solidarity, fun and fundraising in one day.
Full programme is available on this page

Can’t attend in person?
There are multiple options to support the cause and congratulate the comrades. An auction for prisoners will be held at 6.30pm CET on August 24 and it allows for online participation. Check out the details and the items for sale here
You can also donate your service to support Belarusian prisoners. Offer a tattoo, your bar night tip, a haircut, pet sitting, 10-page translation, a layout design, a plumbing job or whatever it is you do to earn your living for a donation to ABC-Belarus.
Make a benefit event to support the maintenance work of the collective, like covering their traveling costs when doing activism, collective rest or little gifts they might want to get for themselves. Send the words of solidarity to the collective using this online form

Just stay active and rebel.
This is one of the most revolutionary thing to do these days.
Free Belarusian anarchists! Fuck the state!

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